สนทนา | ประสบการณ์วิจัยการสื่อสารควอนตัมในออสเตรเลีย | #IYQ2025 & #ThaiYQ2025 | ร่มธรรม ศรีพจนารถ (AUS) | ๑๖ มี.ค. ๒๕๖๘ | “สมองควอนตัมไทยไหลกลับบ้าน” | (Q&A)
(March 2025) หัวข้อแรกประจำเดือนมีนาคม ๒๕๖๘
สนทนา #IYQ2025 & #ThaiYQ2025
(ร่มธรรม ศรีพจนารถ Western Sydney University)
(Q & A session)
Welcome to #IYQ2025 & #ThaiYQ2025 on Q&A session. Thanks for your talk and we have a few questions, please feel free to share your opinions and also suggest.
Q1 : Your background is in classical electrical/ computer engineering, so how did you fall into this quantum tech area for your PhD, and what about recent overall progresses & atmosphere on quantum tech in Australia ?
Answer: I originally applied to the program with a different research area, but my advisor invited me to work on quantum research. Since I had previously researched machine learning, I saw the opportunity to explore an emerging field that has the potential to become highly significant in the future.
In Australia, many companies and research groups are actively working on quantum technology, aiming to develop practical applications from quantum technology. Since I don’t familiar with these groups, I don’t know much about their progress.
Q2: From your talk, practical quantum internet depends on “quantum repeater”. However, no one could guarantee of its availability in the future. Also when we tracked back to the past on “all-optical network”, it was a popular R&D area but we realized that it is impractical due to many restrictions specially the bottleneck between high speed lightwave signals to those of classical networks. Not only on its infrastructure (optical switching, optical router, and related transmission systems), but also at the end users or clients (optical computer, optical port/ interface, optical memory, and many other light based devices), we are still waiting for them to form as the “optical internet”. Let’s say, it is still not possible, so how about that much higher complicated technology based on light or photon, “quantum internet” ?
Answer: Personally, I find it hard to believe that the quantum internet will be widely implemented in the same way as the current Internet. It is more likely that there will be a small quantum network, serving specific purposes. Researchers often explore all possible scenarios—asking questions like, "What happens if we combine A and B?"—even though many of these ideas may never become practical. However, we always learn something along the way, which can be applied to other research problems in the future.
Quantum network research is one of these exploratory areas. We recognize both the unique potential of quantum properties and their limitations and complications. Eventually, supply and demand will determine the most beneficial and feasible technology, driving progress in the field.
Q3: In quantum communications field for IT security or “quantum cryptography”, there are many impressive quotes such as, “unhackable” “unbreakable” “absolute secure” “100% secured network”. We found these claims since many products debuted over two decades ago, till date. What about your opinion ?
Answer: From my experience, I’ve never encountered any products publicly claiming that they can do something with 100% guarantee before. These quotes are often found in media headlines aiming to attract attention and increase traffic. The problem is these headlines are frequently presented alongside the products, making a false sense of the products.
Q4: After your PhD, once returning home, what about your future plan (R&D, teaching, business) ?
Answer: I’ll be a lecturer in a university, continuing my research on quantum network and other interesting areas.
Q5: Have you ever read through “the Thai national quantum technology roadmap (2020 — 2029)” or our ten year quantum tech plan under the “frontier research” strategy ? If yes, please give us your opinion, but if not, what would you expect from inside that national policy report ?
Answer: I haven’t read it. However, I would expect the report to focus on both human resource development and practical solutions. Like, training personnel support, teaching materials for universities. It should focus on the most feasible technologies first, for example quantum precision timing and quantum sensing. Success in these areas could serve as a foundation for expanding into other technologies, such as quantum networks.
Hope you enjoy and success at the coming ICC 2025 conference, and please comeback again to share more for our new generation - students and researchers in this #IYQ2025 & #ThaiYQ2025 year. We wish you the best for your journey on this quantum communications field .… Thank you.
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