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Prevention from Quantum “Tie-in Selling” and LiFi Misleading | IEEE ComSoc Thailand | 2023

รูปภาพนักเขียน: Q-Thai AdminQ-Thai Admin

[ IEEE GCN - July 2023 issue - - ควอนตัม “ขายเหล้าพ่วงเบียร์” & LiFi ลวงโลก ] -- at the IEEE Thailand section annual meeting 2022, yearly activities and related technical advancements were reported to all members both onsite (30) & online. Specially, there were important issues based on quantum & visible light communications misleading. Thus, recent pseudoscience & crazed engineering was summarized. The opening of a collaborative project; Quantum ICT - Ready & Learning Organization as the solution, was then followed.

IEEE Global Communications Newsletter (July 2023 issue)

Generally, quantum cryptography or quantum key distribution (QKD) aims to be the testbed for human resource development toward the future quantum communications. However its rhetoric on real-life applications has been misleading our community for many decades. That case of concern was also found locally. QKD bundling with other product to secure the power grid network was tackled and then shown out to the meeting.

As appeared worldwide, QKD’s overrated marketing tactics has been started from its “miracle” thru “threatening” for a long time. While, no any QKD manufacturer has ever implemented to secure their own networks (7days/ 24hrs). Moreover, the National Cyber Security Centre - UK 2018, National Security Agency - US 2020, Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information - France 2022, and Federal Office for Information Security - Germany 2022, did not recommend QKD either. After those unsuccessful strategies for telecommunications market, QKD came up with the latest channel, to tie itself for the power industry.

In parallel, there was a coincidental information distributed from the national science & technology policy agency that stunned people for years. Its quantum technology roadmap (2020 - 2029) shows extremely weird and listed as our news of the year 2022. Starting from proposing quantum tech to secure private information and to develop borrower ratings and bad debt opportunities algorithms for banking and finance businesses, they would also adopt quantum unbelievably though the earthquake warnings system, to the Animal Healthcare”!

Another, Thai ComSoc has been working for a decade to protect people from crazed engineering of LiFi (Light Fidelity or WiFi via light). Previous events were reported on IEEE GCN (2017 - & 2018 - However, LiFi misleading is still carrying on. Its first rhetoric of “wireless data from every light bulb” has just mutated to “light-based wireless communications”. In common, both LiFi and quantum misleading emit similar negative effects to the public as super spreaders of fake news & fabricated marketing report, research misconduct, and others. Therefore fighting with those high hype, real science communications is needed. Columns, books, videos, and related published information by local chapter including Quantum ICT - Ready & Learning Organization project, were then introduced as a knowledge-vaccine to immune people from those related infections.

In this year-end meeting, many audiences not only agreed to help us working toward a sustainable knowledge based society, but they were also waiting for the responsibility from those who distributed crazed engineering into our community.


ส่วนหนึ่งของรายงานกิจกรรมประจำปี พ.ศ.๒๕๖๕ - annual report 2022

การประชุมใหญ่สามัญประจำปี IEEE Thailand section

ณ การไฟฟ้านครหลวง คลองเตย กทม.

๑ ธันวาคม พ.ศ.๒๕๖๕

โดยสาขาไฟฟ้าสื่อสาร (IEEE ComSoc Thailand chapter)

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